where chess meets the ice

Saturday, April 20, 2024
Presented by the Chicago Wolves & Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation
All entries include a ticket to the Wolves game following the tournament

LOCATION – Allstate Arena Skyline Room – 10351 Lunt Ave, Rosemont, IL 60018
FORMAT – 4-rounds individual Swiss with rated and unrated sections
TIME CONTROL – 20 minutes per player with 3-second delay
TIMES – Player check-in 11:00 – 11:30 am, Rounds 12:00 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:45 pm, Awards 5:00 pm
Unrated Scholastic (K-8 only)
For beginning chess players up to grade 8. USCF membership is not required in this section
Unrated Open (K-12 & Adults)
For beginning chess players of all ages. USCF membership is not required in this section
Rated Scholastic (K-8 only)
For USCF-rated students up to grade 8. This section requires USCF Membership
Rated Open (K-12 & Adults)
For USCF-rated adults and students. This section requires USCF Membership
ENTRY FEE – $45 thru March 24, $55 thru April 14, no entries allowed after April 14th; online only. Entry fee includes a ticket to the Chicago Wolves vs. Iowa Wild game following the tournament at 7PM
**Each person accompanying a player to the game must have purchased a ticket. Accompany person tickets are $15 plus a $3 service fee.
Chicago Wolves will send out order confirmation to the email address provided during registration by Thursday, April 18th, but the tickets themselves are going to be in-person pick up only at the tournament.
AWARDS – Trophies top 4 each section, Commemorative event badge and certificate to all players
PARKING – Parking is not included in the registration fee. It will be $15 (cash only) at the arena and will be valid for the entirety of the day, including the game. Cars will not be allowed to leave and re-enter the parking lots.
FOOD – There is no food service at the tournament. Participants can bring their own water bottles and small snacks to the tournament
Chicago Wolves – Rebecca Erken | Inside Sales Representative, rerken@chicagowolves.com
Renaissance Knights – David Heiser, david.heiser@renaissanceknights.org
Boards, sets, and clocks will be provided by Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation
All special rules, details, and tournament conditions are subject to change without notice; changes will be posted ASAP at the site & online
USCF membership could be purchased at – https://new.uschess.org/join-us-chess