Our Annual Report

April 4-6, KCF All-Girls National Championships

Chess Foundation
At Renaissance Knights, we believe in the power of chess to change lives. Chess helps students improve academically and socially, enhance STEM skills, develop critical thinking, improve concentration, and build self-confidence. In a safe environment, students learn to win and lose gracefully, building their resilience and confidence.
To date, we have taught more than 60,000 of Chicago’s most underserved children, inspiring them to greater achievement. Each day, we are proud to help kids grow, one move at a time. Our impact is demonstrated by the positive feedback from classroom teachers and students in our annual surveys.
60,000+ Students Taught
500+ Schools Engaged
400+ Tournaments Held
We successfully sponsored 115 students from 17 countries across the Americas to participate in the 2023 Pan-American Youth Chess Festival, covering their lodging and meals.
Renaissance Knights’ programs leverage the power of chess to foster the positive development of young people. Our approach is both intentional and comprehensive, focusing on engaging youth in meaningful activities that enhance their strengths and support their overall growth. We are committed to nurturing the intellectual, emotional, and social development of our participants, ultimately preparing them for success in various aspects of life. We achieve this through the following key components in all our programs:
After-school chess clubs and competitive tournaments for Chicago students
Promoting non-violence and increase positive relationships with youth and police
Extends the impactful work we do through the summer for Chicago students
Youth explore their city and attend tournaments & cultural activites around the country
We organize local, regional, national & international tournaments in Chicago
Extends the impactful work we do through the summer for Chicago students